Black and White Fun.
Who doesn't like black and white? It can be classic, it can be modern, it can be whatever you want it to be. Combining printed blacks with solid white to get this design was brilliant by creator Lynn who was following a Bonnie Hunter Quilt Along. When Lynn first brought me this quilt, she wanted me to accentuate the white in the quilt. Makes sense given that this would be great negative space and where you would actually see the quilting. If this quilt were done in less busy colors, then you really could have two different designs to go for, that is quilt them so the eye is drawn to these specific areas. Because this particular quilt is so busy, as far as fabric choices go, the only quilting the eye would see is in the white and in the solid black border. Accent Quilting #1 Accent Quilting #2 How did I come up with my quilting choice for the white? Well, by now you must know that I prefer to do straight line qui...