How many Yo Yo's are there?
Good afternoon from snowing Kalamazoo! This weather can't seem to make up its mind. One minute it is 60 and the next it is snowing. I'll take the snow on this Saturday to get caught up on invoices, design work, and blog posts! My grandmother (Donna) brought me this quilt in the hopes of tacking down all these beautiful yo yo's, to a piece of backing, that my great-great-grandmother pieced together. It is in pristine condition as it was kept in a cedar chest most of its life. I think I found one yo yo that was detached from its mates. Absolutely beautiful piece. My first thought was...How the heck do Francis and I accomplish this?...Do I go through each yo yo both vertically and horizontally?...Do I just do every other row?... Do I go around each yo yo in a circle? What color thread do I use? As you can see I had a million questions running through my head. I have never done a piece like this one, so I really needed to think it through. I belong to a group on Facebook...