Pups in Sweaters

I remember three years ago driving to Bellingham to pick up my dog "Lucy". I had mentioned to my husband that I wanted a baby and he suggested we get a dog first, which in hindsight was perfect. I immediately started searching for German Shepherds everywhere I could. When I saw her cute, big eared face on Craigslist, I knew this would be my dog. My husband and I drove up the next day to take a look at her and we fell in love. We met her previous owners at a beautiful park and she was all puppy at four months old. Those big paws, falling all over the place, and yet curious and protective at the same time. She has turned our house into a home. I just love her!

left: 4 months old right: Norah 16 months, Lucy 3 years
Ok, enough about my little family. :) My dear client Sharon sent me this beautiful quilt and I finally have a moment to write about it this morning. Can you guess whats on it?.... If you guessed dogs you would be correct! Dogs in sweaters to be more precise! Seriously, can it get any cuter?

quilt completed and on the design wall
I chose to lean this quilt to modern quilting with lots of straight lines and a few little swirls. You can see in the picture below my start of cross hatching. I recently bought a 16" straight ruler from The Quilted Pineapple. It was the best tool to complete these crosshatching squares with. 

cross hatching in progress
Look at Sharons backing... its wonky dogs in bright colors. I just love it and its whimsy. I should have taken a close up picture of this. I actually was able to use up bobbins from previous quilts that blended with the backing. It was a win win!
wonky dog backing
 I just love their little faces! I tried my best to do hair like quilting on their faces. I had to go to my moms' house and look at her "weiner" dogs to see their hair texture. It was a great excuse to get some cuddling in too.

hair texture
 I think this guys is the best looking. He looks quite dapper in his sweater. He must have known November was on its way and would be cooling down. 

"Dapper" the Dachsund
Texture, texture, texture. You can see the strip of pebbling in between the dogs as well as swirls around them and then the cross hatching off to the right.  

texture, texture, texture
Happy Fall to you! I hope you enjoy your sweaters as much as these pups do :)


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