Hey!...It's Been A While

 Hey Hey Hey! 

It has been a hot minute since I have been able to even think about writing a blog post. My husband and I agreed that 2020 would be a year of not making any major decisions. Due to COVID that has been pretty easy! I am going to hit the highlights and catch you up until now. 

I love January because it is my birthday month. Woop! Woop! I turned 28 and had a very productive month doing client quilts. I also was 8 months pregnant. It made for very llloonngg days in the studio and lots of rest and snack breaks. 

First finish of 2020. Storm at Sea by Beth Taylor

February started off brutal. My husband, who is in the Air Force Reserves, was gone for a month of training in Virginia. I was pregnant and due the 25. He was supposed to come home that day too. It was also Leap Year! Through out my pregnancy we were taking bets, we chose not to find out the gender, and most people thought we were having a boy while I was thoroughly convinced it was a girl. Funny thing was we were solid on a boy name and wishy washy on a bunch of girls names. That should have been my first clue. I never thought I would have a boy, let alone a Leap Year baby, but I did know my husband would be at the birth. Thank you Jesus! At 10:08am we welcomed Declan into our arms and I was shocked for about a week of his boy-ness. Those big blue eyes stole my heart. 

Cadence Court quilt completed by Janet. Design by Sassafrass Lane Designs

Mr. Declan. 4 hours old. My Leap Year baby!

March was non existent. NO sleep and a newborn. Oh and COVID hit. It really didn't effect me much because my husband did all the shopping anyway. I don't think I left the house except for doctor appointments. 

Norah giving Declan morning snuggles.

April. I began taking quilts again and it was wonderful! I had a special drop off system. Quilters could drop their quilts off in a basket inside my studio door and then we would talk, message or FaceTime about what they wanted.

Beautiful quilt done by Regina

May... more quilts. I was thankful my husband did not get laid off. He is an electrician and his job doing a hospital was considered "essential". I also got a bit more time in the studio because both of my children could go to trusting grandparents homes and I could have un-interupted time. 

Dinner Plate Dahlia designed by Judy Niemeyer. Completed by Barbara.

June. I swear I just did all custom quilting this month. It was literally exhausting. Both mentally and physically. I had three.. THREE!... Judy Neihmeyer quilts to do. Two of which were from my dear client Barbara. She travels all the way from Bonney Lake to pick up her quilts and brings me yummy bread from a fantastic bakery. This was also the month my first born, Norah, whom a lot of of you have met, turned THREE! My baby is a three-nager now. Que the temper tantrums, bribing, and cuddles. Is this what raising a teenager is going to look like?

Quilt completed by Regina. I didn't get the name of the pattern! 

I signed up for Bonnie Hunters Mystery Quilt for 2019-2020 and actually completed the top in June. I finally quilted it in a simple edge to edge and gave it away to someone special. It was fun but never again! Way too many pieces.

July. We had Frozen and Cinderella dance camp for Norah. Other than that I don't remember much... Oh wait.. more custom quilts! 

Dinner Plate Dahlia by Judy Niemeyer. Completed by Trish. I loved her colors on this quilt. It was a challenge to come up with different designs than the same quilt I quilted in May.

Fire Island Hosta by Judy Niemeyer. Completed by Barbara. The same Barbara that sent the Dinner Plate Dahlia quilt in May. She LOVES paper piecing. 

And now it is August. I had spent months with my three-nager and five month old. It was time to get out! I think this was the first month I actually went inside a store. I have been utilizing grocery delivery and pick up because it is so much easier with little kids. I bought new glasses. And you glasses wearing people know, it is so nice to have a new pair. No scratches, clean, fresh. I can see the eye of the needle now to thread it. 

A sneak peak at Sharon's Christmas quilt. I'm going to write an entire blog next month on Sharon's three... yes THREE quilts she wanted custom quilted. It was a busy August. 

I am so glad we are almost to September. My dad and step-mom were supposed to come out middle of March to meet Declan and that was cancelled due to COVID. We are taking a vacation to Coeur d'Alene, ID in September and they are meeting us there. It is going to be so nice to get away and have a family vacation. Selfishly, I know the grandparents are going to watch the kids so my husband and I can have a date night. Yay! 

This pretty much catches you up on all my life events. Future posts will be more quilt related with a bit of life updates. It feels so good to write again and I hope you choose to subscribe to future posts! Comment below so I know you have read this. If you have any topics you want discussed in the future let me know. Oh, and tell your friends about me. :) Word of mouth in this business is everything! 


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